Traffic Engineer Occupational Analysis Survey
Deadline Extended: California Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists Traffic Engineer Occupational Analysis Survey
The California Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists (BPELSG) is undertaking a comprehensive research project of the traffic engineering profession referred to as an Occupational Analysis. You are invited to participate in an online survey that will validate the tasks and knowledge that are important to the work performed by traffic engineering professionals as it applies to the definition of traffic engineering and authority to practice in California.
The results of the study will be used to update the California Traffic Engineering examination and will also provide BPELSG with valuable information regarding the work performed by traffic engineering professionals. The Occupational Analysis is completed every five to seven years and is the source for determining the content of the licensing examinations. This analysis is an essential step in keeping the traffic engineering examinations current and practice-related.
Your participation is critical to ensuring the success of the study. As part of this study, we need your assistance in completing an online survey. Please consider filling out the survey that takes approximately 25 minutes to complete and can be saved and completed in multiple sessions.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR PARTICIPATION: Please click here to take the survey.
The following contact information is provided if you encounter any technical difficulties with completing the survey online or have questions regarding the survey content. Please be sure to identify the survey you are taking (California Traffic Engineer Occupational Analysis 2017). Email: or Telephone: (801) 541-9738. You will receive a response within 24 hours, Monday through Friday (except holidays).
Update: The deadline has been extended until May 19, 2017 (11:59 PM PST). Please feel free to send this to licensed Traffic Engineers that may have not received and completed this survey. They can complete the survey by going to this website:
The Board thanks you in advance for your participation in this survey and ongoing support of the program.