CSULB Captures the 2018 Student Traffic Bowl Victory
On Saturday, February 10, student teams from the SoCal ITE student chapters competed in the annual Student Traffic Bowl. The Traffic Bowl...
2018 Western District/TexITE Meeting at Keystone, CO
The 2018 Joint Western & Texas District Meeting in Keystone Colorado will be filled with technical sessions by professionals all over the...
2017 Holiday Mixer
ITE Socal, RSBITE, and OCTEC jointly hosted the Annual Holiday Mixer on December 6th at Los Coyotes Country Club in Buena Park. The...
President's Message 2017-18
Dear ITE Southern California Members, I am proud and honored to serve as your Section President this year. We have a great Board leading...
Applications are now being accepted for the next LeadershipITE class! Deadline is 9/15/17. Please click here for more information about...
Traffic Engineer Occupational Analysis Survey
Deadline Extended: California Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists Traffic Engineer Occupational Analysis...
LA Regions Coalition for Transportation Technology
Los Angeles Region’s Coalition for Transportation Technology Releases a Request for Interest (RFI) for Advanced Transportation...
April 12th Meeting – Implementing SB 743
The Change from LOS to VMT for CEQA Transportation Studies Erik Ruehr, VRPA Technologies, Inc. Chair, California SB 743 Task Force...
March 10th Workshop - Vision Zero Presentations
Vision Zero Efforts at Los Angeles County Dean Lehman, Los Angeles County Public Works __________________________________________________...
President's Message 2016-17
Dear ITE Southern California Members, Welcome back from the summer! I am proud and honored to serve as your Section President this year....