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October 2014 Meeting Recap

The Institute of Transportation Engineers Southern California Section held their monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 15, 2014 in Buena Park at the Knott’s Berry Farm Resort Hotel. There were 96 people who attended the meeting. The program topic was “Proposed Guidelines for Senate Bill 743”. Chris Ganson from the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) and Erik Ruehr, Chair of the ITE Western District California SB 743 Task Force, both delivered presentations on SB 743.

Senate Bill 743 requires the OPR to develop new metrics for transportation impacts under CEQA. The Governor’s Office of Planning and Research must specify criteria for new metrics; and promote: (a) development of multimodal transportation networks, (b) diversity of land uses, and (c) reduction in greenhouse gases.

SB 743 objectives include:

(a) Consistency with State Planning Priorities,

(b) Environmental Benefits,

(c) Improved Health,

(d) Fiscal Benefits,

(e) Simplicity/Feasibility, and

(f) Access to Destinations.

The next meeting will be a joint meeting with the Riverside San Bernardino Section, and is scheduled for Wednesday, November 19th at The Restaurant at Kellogg Ranch at Cal Poly Pomona.


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